Letter to myself

Dear Akiko,

Well done for showing up in the world just as you are. Walking on the path that goes against the grains of the society, all of your life, have been very heavy on you.. Your service is one of a kind, and it comes with a painful role to be judged, disliked, alienated and very often misunderstood. In the world where everyone is hard wired in the survival game being educated to take whenever they can, earn and own as much as possible, you have been deeply disheartened over and over again. Yet here you are, still living your truth, carrying your soulful gifts, frmly placing your foot on the ground refusing to be swallowed by the wave of the society where they do everything they can to make you become something other than yourself.

In the depth of never ending fnancial hardship and ongoing darkness, you never stopped giving and you never stopped sharing. You choose to trust over fear, you choose joy over misery. You are a true light worker who has the capacity to give and share when you have barely anything in your own pocket. You are the real creator of the new world where everyone flourish, including all the sentient beings and all the non-sentient beings. Everyone and everything will be living in the harmony, our new world will be filled with magical lights. As you step into the new chapter, I want you to know that you are so deeply loved and you are never alone. Truth is hidden for those who see with their eyes of their soul. Choose to serve those who lives from their heart, choose to connect with those who radiate from their soul, and choose to co-create with those who invest their time and energy to walk with you. You are the true instrument of peace and joy who welcome everyone to sing and dance in this beautiful journey called “evolution”. Enjoy the true richness of life experience here on Earth, we are in this together and you are never alone.

Your true-self. x


The art of living your truth


My light work